Serving Christ in Tanzania

Just as her peers are slowing down, dipping into retirement funds and preparing to spend more time with the grandchildren, Margaret Thompson has traveled to Tanzania, to be a missionary and serve Christ through veterinary medicine.
“It’s a calling” Margaret says.  “It’s something that God has put on my heart.  Like for Jeremiah who wrote that there was a burning in his bones if he didn’t speak for God.  When I am in a developing country serving in veterinary medical missions I feel God smile; like that is what God made for me.
If you’re fortunate enough to spend any time with Margaret, you get the overwhelming impression that nothing is going to slow her down.  Determined and driven with a rich and adventurous spirit, Margaret has selflessly spent the last 37 years of her life serving her two loves: veterinary medicine and the Lord Jesus.
This devotion has seen her travel the world, both as a child and as an adult, learning three languages and ministering to unreached people in Central America, Africa, and the Caribbean.  Raised in an Air Force family, Margaret felt like she was always traveling. She remembers the family packing and moving almost every few years –France, Philippines, and multiple posts in the United States. While this would be unsettling for many of us, Margaret embraced the changes.  She reflects that in hindsight, God was preparing her for this very moment.
“God used these experiences to mold me into the vessel He needed for Tanzania.  In His wisdom, I believe He wanted me to experience life in all these countries while I was young.  I’m so grateful because today I feel comfortable away from home and immersed in other cultures.  I fee drawn to them.”
Margaret has long felt a strong calling to the mission-field.  As a young Christian, and first year veterinary student, she was active in Christian Veterinary Fellowship and was familiar with the work of Christian Veterinary Missions (CVM) in developing countries.  In the years that followed, Margaret pursued long-term opportunities with CVM but the Lord knew that Margaret\’s mission-field, for now, was a little closer to home.  With a young family to care for, the time just wasn’t right.
“I was confused and dare I say angry at God for repeatedly closing what had appeared to be an open door.  I had thought that within 5 years after graduation I would be in a developing country, but looking back, I can see that He was simply a wise father who knew that I wasn’t quite ready.”
Margaret now set her mind to raising her two children and building a veterinary practice in Texas.  But the flame once lit by the Holy Spirit, still flickered.
Decades later, that smoldering flame reignited when Margaret was some opportunities to go on short-term missions with various organizations, including CVM.  Her children were now grown, so Margaret excitedly followed God’s call to her in Honduras, Uganda, Mozambique, Benin, before finding Food For His Children in Tanzania.
“Finally I saw God’s plan for my life beginning to unfold.  It all happened in His perfect time.  Yes, the wait had been worth it, but that was just the beginning!”
Today, after 32 years, Margaret is serving Christ with CVM’s in-country partner, Food For His Children, a holistic community development organization that uses hybrid dairy goats to show Christ’s love and provide sustainable development opportunities to the world’s most vulnerable.
While Paul prayed for abounding love for his brothers and sisters in Philippians 1:9, he also prayed for knowledge and discernment.
Margaret waited over 35 years for God’s calling in her life to be realized, but in that time God was building her knowledge so that she would be well prepared for the journey in front of her.
Reflecting on Margaret’s remarkable testimony, truly we can see that “…he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

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