Give to the Max Day Nov 15th

I know, I know, it's hard to believe that November is right around the corner! 
November in Minnesota means... cold weather... (ick!)...Thanksgiving (yay!)... But First... Give to the Max Day for non-profits! 

Allow me to tell you a little about it and why you should consider joining us online on November 15th. 

Give to the Max Day is sponsored by GiveMN which is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to help organizations, from small organizations to large ones, even public schools and universities, connect with online donors, help spread the word about their work and raise money to be able to further their cause. 
Over 26,000 non-profit organizations are on GiveMN!

How great right?!  Give to the Max Day is an annual fundraising event for thousands to Minnesota based non-profit organizations.  It is THE largest one-day fundraising event in the world- according to Give MN.  This year will mark the 4th annual event. 

It gets even better... on this special Day- Give to the Max- GiveMN has partnered with other organizations like Target, The United Way, The Bush Foundation, and others to be able to offer prizes though out the day.  There are prizes for organizations that have the highest giving totals for the day.  Our category is for "Small Non-profits"  which means we have an annual revenue of under $100,000.  For our category the prizes are as follows:  1st prize is $12,500,  2nd prize is $5,000 and 3rd prize is $2,500.  There are also prizes throughout the day called "Golden Tickets."  Every hour throughout the 24 hour period one person's donation will be selected at random to have $1,000 added to it.  AND at the end of the day someone else's donation will be selected for a "Super-sized Golden Ticket" which will add $10,000 to their donation.  Last year it was a $25.00 donation that won the Rapture Center an extra $25,000!  Every gift is appreciated!

Wouldn't it be tremendous to be able to tell the people of Tanzania that we have raised money to buy more goats and move into more areas?!  And better still to have enough money to really get moving on the Development Center and Goat Farm!  But we need your help!!

Here's how it works: 
On November 15th from Midnight to 11:59pm (that's the whole day of the 15th!)  donations will be accepted at .  Once on the page enter Food For His Children where it says "Find cause or fundraiser" on the upper right side of the screen.  This will take you to the Food For His Children page.  Select a donation level from the suggested donations or give an amount of your choice, then click "Donate."  This will take you to a page where you fill out your payment information and leave us a note if you wish.  Your donation will be processed and a tax receipt will be issued from (the online fundraising platform). 

You'll be hearing about Give to the Max Day plenty as it approaches, and especially on the day of.  If you're at the Mall of America on that day there will be live coverage from 9am to 9pm with interviews from local non-profits (not us this time- maybe next year!) and performances by local artists and musicians.  You can also look forward to updates from us throughout the day on the 15th if you're our friend on Facebook.  Should be a good time! 

Help us help the people of Tanzania who are waiting for an opportunity to raise a dairy goat and improve their lives! 

All donations are tax deductible
Food For His Children is a registered 501c3 non-profit

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